Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Just Published (hybrid): International Journal for the Semiotics of Law (2024) 37(3) (Special Issues)


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Delighted to pass along links to the articles just published in Issue 37(3) of the International Journal for the Semiotics of Law (2024). The volume contains two special issues--(1) The Legal Semiotics of the Digital Face (Gabriele Marino and Massimo Leone):  and (2) International Arbitration in the Digital World (Magdalena Łągiewska and Vijay K Bhatia), along with (3) my review of Jan Broekman's book Knowledge in Change (2023) on among other things the virtual, and digital consciousness.

The table of contents with links follows. 

Monday, April 22, 2024

习近平词典丨新质生产力 Xi Jinping Dictionary丨New Quality Productive Forces: A Video for English Speakers and the Popularization of Leninist Concepts of ("Socialist Road") Production in the New Era



Revolution means carrying out class struggle, but it does not merely mean that. The development of the productive forces is also a kind of revolution — a very important one. It is the most fundamental revolution from the viewpoint of historical development. (Deng Xiaoping, "To Build Socialism We Must First Develop the Productive Forces" (Talk with some leading comrades of the Central Committee, April 1, 1980)).

It is always nice when a political collective developing important elements of its ideology shares that development with others. It is nicer still when the outreach is in English. One of the core areas of development of Chinese Leninism, as it moves from the Era of Reform and Opening Up to its New Era has been the evolution of the  concept of productive forces (生产力). In the Era of Reform and Opening Up and in the reforms undertaken in the situation left by the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the focus was on economic development.

We should research earnestly how to carry out socialist development. At this time, we are reviewing the experience gained in the past three decades since the founding of the People’s Republic. To sum up, it is as follows. First, we should not adopt “Leftist” policies by divorcing ourselves from reality or skipping over necessary stages. Otherwise, the task of building socialism will not be accomplished. We have suffered losses from “Leftist” policies. Second, whatever we do must contribute to developing the productive forces. In our effort to do this, we should stress economic results. Unless we develop the productive forces, we cannot gradually increase people’s incomes. We have suffered a great deal in this respect, especially during the ten years of the “cultural revolution”. We should research why so many African countries which have been developing socialism have become poorer and poorer. We should not consider it to be glorious merely to call our nation socialist, nor should we be content with this. (Deng Xiaoping, "To Build Socialism We Must First Develop the Productive Forces" (Talk with the delegation from the Party of the National Liberation Front of the Democratic People’s Republic of Algeria, April 21, 1980).

Nor just productive forces in its narrowest sense of state assets (however broadly defined), but productive forces as an integral part of the transformation of production and productivity from one centered on economic productivity (China as the factory of the world measured by output) to one in which economic activity is deeply embedded withing a comprehensive state policy to advance a complex of integrated policies to advance social welfare as a function of the core premises of the political economic (Marxist-Leninist) order now grounded in innovation, ecological civilization and core Socialist values which create a self-referencing cultural circle within which it is assumed possible to discern abetter and ore successful approach to productivity, and with it a means of overcoming the contemporary principal contradiction of unequal distribution that marks the New Era. The Chinese Consulate-General in Los Angeles has been helpful in explaining this to the masses of its principal competitor:

“New quality productive forces” is a major concept put forward by President Xi Jinping. Marked by innovation, new quality productive forces are advanced productivity in essence, with high quality as the key and substantial increase in total factor productivity as its core hallmark. As a new form of productivity, what is “new” about “new quality productive forces”? It is “new” because it aims at high-quality development driven by innovation. . . It is “new” because it aims at green development with a vision of harmonious coexistence of human and nature. . . It is “new” because it aims at a high-level opening-up with mutually beneficial results. New quality productive forces will not only invigorate China’s high-quality growth but also provide impetus for global sustainable development. . .  (Understand Top Chinese Buzzword: New Quality Productive Forces (17 April 2024)

This has been made clearer by the Chinese Communist Party General Secretary and popularized through well placed short essays. Consider in this respect 王波习近平总书记强调的“新质量生产力” [Wang Bo, "New High Quality Productive Forces" emphasized by General Secretary Xi Jinping ] (which follows below in the original and in a crude English translation; see also here). The essay notes:

生产力是指人类在生产实践中形成的改造和影响自然的能力。 生产力作为马克思主义政治经济学和唯物史观的最基本范畴,不仅是人类历史的物质基础,也是推动社会进步的最积极、最革命的因素。 没有生产力的发展,就没有社会的进步。[Productivity refers to the ability of human beings to transform and influence nature formed in production practices. As the most basic category of Marxist political economy and historical materialism, productivity is not only the material basis of human history, but also the most active and revolutionary factor in promoting social progress. Without the development of productive forces, there will be no social progress.]
And thus the focus on explaining this, in a quite specific and directed way to target English speaking audiences.
2024-04-22 17:30:55 来源: 新华社




策划:孙承斌 王进业 李忠发
文案/脚本:潘丽君 任垚媞
记者:李柯 郭沛然 任垚媞 潘丽君
图片:王建华 唐京伟 郑立新

责任编辑: 陈可轩


 Xi Jinping Dictionary丨New Quality Productive Forces
2024-04-22 17:30:55 Source: Xinhua News Agency

New productive forces are becoming an integral part of China’s economic sea
Strong new trend
The new quality productivity proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping
What exactly is it?
Why does China need to develop new productive forces?

Let's open Chapter 3 of "Xi Jinping Dictionary"
and Li Ke, an American reporter from Xinhua News Agency

Let’s feel the pulse of new productivity together!

Chief planner: Ren Weidong
Planning: Sun Chengbin Wang Jinye Li Zhongfa
Producer: Zhang Zhengfu
Coordinator: Shang Yang
Copywriter/Script: Pan Lijun and Ren Yaoti
Director: Guo Peiran
Reporters: Li Ke, Guo Peiran, Ren Yaoti, Pan Lijun
Picture: Wang Jianhua Tang Jingwei Zheng Lixin
Editor: Lu Ye

Xinhua News Agency external
Produced by New Marco Polo Studio
Editor in charge: Chen Kexuan

The link to the video is embedded in the website of the credits HERE. It is worth a listen with the sensibilities of the premises of New Era Leninism firmly in mind (see its mapping here).

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Beyond Artificial Intelligence as Fetish: A Brief Glimpse at AI From the Perspective of Application


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Like many critical concepts around which social relations are dependent, artificial intelligence (AI)  has assumed a symbolic significance. That is, AI has become a term that represents more than itself. It has become the way in which people refer to a cluster of meaning, approaches, and premises about technology and its relationship to social relations. AI has become its own idea; as well as the vessel for a host of sometimes incompatible premises about humans, human society, technology, and more broadly consciousness, and the principles and assumptions around which social collectives (and individuals) cede authority over decision making (big and little) to processes, algorithms, analytics, and computational thought processes based on inductive reasoning from unending streams of iterative behaviors. What started out as a desire to produce simulation--the simulacra of humanity to solve problems, has become a linked set of processes and applications that can (in an ironically dialectical way) drive human behavior through the logic of its own programming (considered here).

The idea of AI blends together distinct streams of technological development (eg deep learning, natural language process, robotics, computer vision, problem solving reasoning (expert) systems). The first learns from data (pattern finding and projection); the second connects data learning to solve problems; the third translates and applies language as a sort of applied semiotics; the third embeds machines with capacity to perform tasks automatically; and the last comes closest to attempting to mimic human reasoning and decision making in the context of traditional human individual or institutional tasks (one way of looking at it here). In the aggregate, where various levels of technological development are inserted into an increasing number of human actions and interactions, on can arrive at a point where the individual and the collective are effectively managed or curated at the micro and macro level by and through clusters of tech based programing. At its limit, it can invert the relationship between the humans for whose benefit it is adopted and the ecologies of programs and functions that produce the benefit. 

Pix Credit clip from the Movie Brazil here
That suggests the question of the nature and points of insertion of the human in these ecologies of tech and their management. It is at this point that human societies have done what they always tend to do in contemporary society--to invoke the language and sensibilities of collective authority. These tend to produce variations on three impulses. The first is to suppress the creation of forms of big data tech or its use in whole or in part. The second is to control the biases built into data harvesting and analytics of big data tech to reflect privileged bias. The third is to determine points of mandatory human intervention in the operation, creation, assessment, or quality control oversight of these technologies and their use.  Nonetheless these are complicated legalities, and even harder to reduce to human intelligible text.  This is especially the case because while tech is IN THE FLOW OF time, its human regulatory mechanisms exist at ONE MOMENT IN TIME (eg here). It becomes likely that big data tech may become as necessary to its own regulation as it does to the regulation of its application.  More importantly, its various forms will likely become as embedded in public compliance regimes and the exercise of state power as it has become in other human social relations (see eg REMARKS HERE; ACCESS PPT HERE).

The idea of AI also blends together a host of tasks to which it is directed.  Many of them are a function of capacity--data based problem solving. Their differentiation is a function of the complexity of the problem to be solved and  the autonomy of decision making. Te later can be infinitely divided around sub-programing or aggregated to produce a "final" or "end product" decision or action. They are based on data, analyzed against premises, assumptions and expectations at least initially programmed into the process by humans. The analytics can themselves become part of the problem solving ecology permitting the technology to modify its analytical functions on the basis of its its encounters with data within the ultimate action parameters that may be inserted.  but also cap.  But large enough data streams can assume a life of their own--and projected through time can themselves serve as the basis for evolving analytics that then change the parameters of analysis.  In one sense it it a very high volume chartist approach but with expanded capabilities and functions (e.g., predicting the cost of transport).

None of this makes much sense without beginning to appreciate the extent to which dependency is already emerging within complex webs of differentiated big data tech. But even getting to data to answer that query, in contemporary society, requires or is made possible only by invoking the technology itself. Thus, for example, a Google" query on "AI applications" produces a suggestion that one use Google Cloud. Even the search itself is possible through the application of big data tech. Even a cursory search suggests the current breadth of use. 

Some examples: (1) Sam Daley describes "56 Artificial Intelligence Examples Shaking Up Business Across Industries;" (2) Avijeet Biswal describes "18 Cutting-Edge Artificial Intelligence Applications in 2024" across a variety of sectors; (3) Passionate also notes 18 sectors in which various forms of AI may be encountered (here); (4) Forbes describes "Applications of Artificial Intelligence Across Various Industries" suggesting that, at least for the moment, "AI usage is particularly prominent in finance, digital spaces (like social media, e-commerce, and e-marketing) and even healthcare"; (5) Siddhesh Shinde for Emeritus explored the ecologies of big data tech in heathcare, e-commerce, robotics, education, finance, marketing, banking,  social media, business, and sustainability (here); (6) 

These programs focus on the automation of processes and interactions, compliance, and all forms of data based decision making. Its robotics and chatbots can project these functions beyond a computer, that is make them mobile and able to be projected from all sorts of other devices. One begins to see the ecologies, the networks, of automated action and decision making and interaction that together already provide a substantial connection between big data tech and its human users. It is now far more likely that these programs and applications in the aggregate will shape the terrains and interactions between tech and humans (individuals and collectives) from the bottom, than the current crop of top down efforts coming from traditional hierarchically superior human institutions.  The flow of time makes less relevant any single instance of its memory recorded, for example, as law. It is therefore likely, as well, that legality must find of way of inserting itself back in time--to become automated in a sense. 

Pix credit here
That, in turn, may require a fundamental shifting in our understanding of the role of law in the management of human social relations--and the state. To those ends, the future does not come so much from the top but from the bottom--no from the conceptual universe of control but from the realities that shape human collectives within the interlinked platforms of functionally differentiated users and producers. AI moves from fetish to form, and the fundamental ordering principles of consciousness, control, subjectivity and its dialectics (iterative inductive, deductive) become a function of the interplay between the ideal and the imagined ideal represented in the aggregate and moving collective manifestations of an infinite number of interactions  that harden into principles that can be applied to (re)shape those behaviors. In the process the normative foundations--human rights, sustainability, constitutionalism, administration, may find themselves in their current forms on the wrong end of history. And the state--a meta-platform of automated decision making, descriptive and predictive analytics in the service of norm maintenance, policy, and the mechanisms of interaction with a subject population. Mimesis also suggests the morphing of the democratic principle from active consultation and elections, to passive extraction of sentiment by and through analytics (machine based and perhaps automated) of trends in aggregate behaviors with the state as the coordinator and client of a large focus group society in dialectical conversation with its objects.  But all of this is far too early to tell, though not too early to begin to see in broad and tentative outline.

Pix Credit Clip from the Movie Brazil here
  So here is a guess: Law and its legalities (however expressed) may have to shift from command to principle and objective; it may have to shift from control to oversight and from prosecution to quality control and accountability. It may have to reconstruct itself  from external enforcement to internally produced nudging with positive and negative consequences--substantially automated. That, at least, may work for the everyday world of routine behaviors: a great shift of authority from elected officials and a direct connection between the population and its government, to masses of techno-bureaucrats functionally differentiated to develop, construct, and apply the machinery of big data tech to the project of managing humans. And over it all a new sort of law--constituting but not constitutional, normative but not statutory, providing the ideal against which the machinery of control may be deployed--and a new sort of bureaucracy. Law will become less precise to survive and the locus of law process will coalesce around the management and control of the classes of administrators whose role will be to manage tech and to exercise discretion in iteratively evolving human activity.  Abuse of discretion and good faith--already within the palette of legal doctrine, will likely emerge as the great centers of constitutional control. And "street level" law will become a manifestation of automated decision making. At its limit, even the techno-bureaucrats at the bottom will be superseded by tech. And the question will divide into three parts: (1) what one does to or for people "left behind"; (2) what one does to or for the redundant human; and (3) how one manages and controls the enormous industry of norm making and the care and maintenance of these networks of automated control.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission: Hearing on "China and the Middle East" Friday, April 19, 2024


U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission held a widely publicized hearing on "China and the Middle East"  Friday, April 19, 2024  organized by the hearing co-chairs, Commissioners Aaron Friedberg and Jonathan Stivers. As posted to its website, "The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission was created by the United States Congress in October 2000 with the legislative mandate to monitor, investigate, and submit to Congress an annual report on the national security implications of the bilateral trade and economic relationship between the United States and the People’s Republic of China, and to provide recommendations, where appropriate, to Congress for legislative and administrative action." Jonathan Stivers is the U.S. Director of the Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong (CFHK) Foundation. Aaron Friedberg is Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University, where he has been a member of the faculty since 1987, and co-director of Princeton’s Center for International Security Studies. 

The Program gives a good indication of the topics considered. It was fairly straightforward focusing on what one might expect, first the economic value of the region, second the efforts of China to change the narrative and therefore the power relations among those invested in the region (in every sense of the word), and third to consider China's security interest in the region (which are real and growing within that large space left open by everyone else). 

Hearing Co-Chairs: Commissioner Aaron Friedberg and Commissioner Jonathan Stivers

9:30 AM – 9:40 AM: Co-Chairs' Opening Remarks
9:40 AM – 11:10 AM: Panel I: Energy, Investment, and Economic Interests

11:10 AM – 11:20 AM: Break

11:20 AM – 12:50 PM: Panel II: China’s Diplomatic Engagement with the Middle East Bolsters Efforts to Shape a New World Order

12:50 PM – 1:50 PM: Lunch Break

1:50 PM – 3:20 PM: Panel III: China’s Security Interests and Activities in the Middle East

3:20 PM – 3:25 PM: Closing Remarks

3:25 PM: Adjourn

The event was recorded. To see the video of the event click here.

The testimony of the participants may be accessed in the links above and some follow below.

Friday, April 19, 2024

The Chinese University of Hong Kong: 2023-24 Greater China Legal History Seminars Now Online


The Greater China Legal History Seminar Series was launched in 2017. This seminar series builds upon the success of the Chinese Customary Law Seminar Series conducted from 2014 to 2016 covering topics such as Chinese Customary Land Law, Chinese Customary Family Law and Customary Trusts in Hong Kong. The Greater China Legal History Seminar Series aims to serve as a forum to discuss the historical development of a great variety of legal issues of interest in the Greater China region. Acknowledging that the historical development is the basis of modern law and its application the seminars offer the opportunity to explore the respective contextual status. While being conducted by experts in their fields, the seminars are meant to cater to the legally interested general public. The events will usually comprise presentations by one or more speakers (up to 70 minutes) followed by a Q&A session (up to 30 minutes). Each Seminar is open and free of charge to all who are interested. (Seminar Series)

The recordings of the 2023-24 Greater China Legal History Seminars are now available here: https://www.law.cuhk.edu.hk/app/events-recap/greater-china-legal-history-seminar-series-recap/#gc2122 .

The 2023-2024 Seminar Schedule follows below (with links.


Thursday, April 18, 2024

"Moment of Truth on Ukraine and Israel Both countries urgently need U.S. aid to defend themselves against brazen adversaries that seek their annihilation," President Joe Biden, Opinion/Commentary (Wall Street Journal 17 April 2024)


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Sitting U.S. Presidents have the luxury of getting their message out in a large variety of ways.  Writing Opinion pieces in newspapers, and especially news organs known to be quite free with their criticism of a President's administration, is not among the top "go to" vehicles for the dissemination of Presidential views. 

But these are not ordinary times. Discipline within the once fairly stable universe of two leading parties surrounded by a sometimes very loud cluster of smaller issue or ideologically zealot faction to theory political left and right have given way to fracture within the principal parties themselves. In Both cases these zealot/ideological faction appear to embrace agit-prop modalities refined by both European fascist and Marxist-Leninist cells before 1939 with the purpose of effecting "soft" revolution (then certainly, the agendas of the current crop might be out of reach for many). The leadership of these principal political organs then appear to have embraced a strategically pragmatic stance that amplifies the ability of zealot/ideological factions to better reach their goals if only by thwarting the business of government for the rest of a population (whose ignorance and correction appears to be one of the many goals of these groups and their comrades embedded within other influential social organs). 

And so one appears to approach a moment when the United States appears more willing to run from its international commitments and (old) values than to meet them--the most short term politically palatable option for big party leaders as wary of their counterparts as they are of the zealot/ideological factions within their own organs. 

 For the sitting U.S. President, this presents a conundrum--as it does for the population that may have little interest in re-education, or of being led by zealot/ideological factions that appear to embrace the sensibilities of pre-Russian revolution Soviets (for a sympathetic consideration here: Antonio Negri, 'Soviet: Within and Beyond the "Short Century"' (2017) 116(4) South Atlantic Quarterly 835-849). Te conundrum--how does one break the cycle of disproportionate power relationships among and within fractured political organs incapable of returning to something like a stable equilibrium more in accord with the expectations of American liberal democracy?

One answer appears to be to reach out to and through the organs of opposition when matters touch on issues of fundamental importance to the Republic. One of those issues involve the geopolitical position of the United States and its duty as the leading forces of liberal democracy established at the cost of millions of American lives and those of U.S. allies  on which a political moral order was established (imperfectly to be sure) and which continues to muddle through toward aspirational goals that are true to itself and the moral-political social order it established and to which it owes the highest duty.  The leadership core of American liberal democracy, along with those of its closest allies, has determined that the situations in Ukraine and Israel represent fundamental challenges to that order, its vision, including that of equality under law in a diverse  rules based international order (such as it is now and such as it aspires to).

And so one finds President Biden appealing both to the people and to their elected representatives (at least those who continue to represent their constituents rather than their fidelity to ideologies the interpretation and application of which they have usurped) in the form of an "Opinion/Commentary of the Wall Street Journal. Whatever one thinks of either its text, its form, or the specifics of its objectives, the text reminds one of the importance of fidelity to core values and the institutions through which that may be realized. 

The text may be accessed HERE and follows below. 

Ropes & Grey "CSRD Transposition Tracker"- A Study in the Development of Compliance Complexity


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A generation ago it used to be something of a sport to time the transposition of EU directives into the national legal orders of Member States.  In the old days, perhaps in exasperation, perhaps strategically (never let a crisis go to waste) the European Court of Justice  developed a host of quite remarkable jurisprudential approaches, including direct effect.  

Things have changed. . . . at least a little, and certainly with respect to the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (EU) 2019/1937 6145/24 (DRS 13; SUSTDEV 19; COMPET 117; CODEC 279) (Brussels, 15 March 2024), adopted by the EU Council on 15 March 2024 and approved by the JURI Committee on 19 March 2024, awaiting final approvals and preparation of final text. It appears that in anticipation of its effective time (Art. 30, Transposition), much of which will occur starting three years from the entry into force of the Directive, mostly on or after 2028 Member States have begun to consider introduction or modification of their clusters of sustainability based corporate compliance regulations to conform to the (at least broad outlines) of the CR3D, or to align their compliance and due diligence regimes to those anticipated in the final version of the CS3D. 

The project, as is customary within EU regulatory spheres, will be complicated as to space, place and time, producing both complexity for business and opportunity for lawyers. For the rest of us, information relating to implementation (and later the politics and litigation around enforcement) requires substantial aid. One effort to provide information has been undertaken by Michael R. LittenbergMarc Rotter and Molly Connolly of and for the law firm Ropes and Grey, who have devised and posted online what they call the Ropes & Grey CSRD Transposition Tracker. As they describe their work to date:

in conjunction with leading law firms across Europe – has updated its CSRD Transposition Tracker. The Tracker describes Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive developments across the 27 EU member states and three EEA EFTA countries. This update includes information and developments as of the end of March, as well as additional commentary from the participating law firms.  Countries continue to make progress towards implementation. So far: Five countries have adopted legislation implementing CSRD (at least in part); Ten have proposed legislation; and Another seven have held consultations.

Their data on efforts to date is quite interesting and follows below.  It may be accessed online HERE

The information, and its subsequent changes as Member States move toward transposition is quite interesting.  Most interesting, perhaps (beyond the issues of interpretation and strategic countermeasures by all affected parties) goes to compliance itself. With the proliferation of CS3D variants in national legal orders, confined at least by the CS3D and its interpretation (eventually by the European Court of Justice; and perhaps on its flanks by the European Court of Human Rights (here)) and countered or aligned by the domestic legal orders of 3rd party states protecting their own interests or other regional systems (eg here, here, and here), it is likely that CS3D will produce a strong incentive toward digitalization of compliance and the development of descriptive and predictive bid data programs to ensure both optimum compliance and effective strategic encountering. These programs may also lend themselves to generative programming (AI), but at least within the EU that may require alignment of CS3D with the EU AI Act (see discussion HERE). 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

国务院国资委党委: 不断创新发展中国特色国有资产监管体制 [Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council: Continuously innovate and develop the state-owned assets supervision system with Chinese characteristics]


图为2024年3月14日,青海盐湖工业股份有限公司钾肥分公司的采盐船在盐湖作业。 新华社记者 陈杰/摄 The picture shows a salt mining ship of the Potash Fertilizer Branch of Qinghai Salt Lake Industry Co., Ltd. operating in the salt lake on March 14, 2024. Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Jie/photo


Issue 8 (224) of the Journal Qiushi 《求是》2024(8) included an article worth a little study. In  国务院国资委党委:   不断创新发展中国特色国有资产监管体制 [Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council: Continuously innovate and develop the state-owned assets supervision system with Chinese characteristics] one has a quite interesting statement about the way in which state assets, organized as State Owned or Controlled Enterprises are at once embedded within Party governance structures, state oversight apparatus, and complementary socialist market operations. That is how Chinese SOEs must serve as the economic expression of vanguard leadership, managed through state organs , but which are, at the same time, to be run efficiently and make money, while at the same time contributing to core vanguard objectives--among them innovation, high quality development, ecological civilization, and integrity.

That sets up some binaries. For example, on the one hand

新征程上,国有企业承担的责任更加重大、使命更加光荣,必须坚决把加强党的领导党的建设贯穿国有资产监管全过程、各方面,切实把政治优势、制度优势转化为发展优势、竞争优势,推动国有企业更好地成为我们党赢得具有许多新的历史特点的伟大斗争胜利的重要力量。On the new journey, state-owned enterprises bear more important responsibilities and more glorious missions. They must resolutely strengthen party leadership and party building throughout the entire process and all aspects of state-owned assets supervision, and effectively transform political and institutional advantages into development and competitive advantages, to promote state-owned enterprises to better become an important force for our party to win the victory of the great struggle with many new historical characteristics.

And on the other:

坚持社会主义市场经济改革方向,持续深化政企分开、政资分开。坚持社会主义市场经济改革方向,是国有企业改革始终不能动摇的重大原则, Adhere to the direction of socialist market economic reform and continue to deepen the separation of government from enterprises and the separation of government from capital. Adhering to the direction of socialist market economic reform is an important principle that cannot be shaken in the reform of state-owned enterprises.

The bridge, it seems, is bound up in the leadership of the vanguard.  And that leadership at the level of the enterprise, is embedded in the SOE Party Committee, but perhaps more importantly in the alignment of party, supervision, and business functions within the bodies of a substantially overlapping leading group.

坚持服务国家战略的责任担当,推动国有企业实现经济责任、政治责任、社会责任相统一。国有企业是中国特色社会主义经济的顶梁柱,必须自觉服务党和国家工作大局。推动国有企业坚决落实国家重大战略,是国有资产监管工作的重要职责。Adhere to the responsibility of serving the national strategy and promote the unity of economic, political and social responsibilities of state-owned enterprises. State-owned enterprises are the backbone of the socialist economy with Chinese characteristics and must consciously serve the overall work of the party and the country. Promoting state-owned enterprises to resolutely implement major national strategies is an important responsibility of state-owned assets supervision. 

The essay follows below in the original Chinese and in a crude English translation.


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Interesting Articles Recently Published in Qiushi 《求是》2024(8)


There are a number of quite interesting articles in the most recent issue of Qiushi 《求是》2024(8). In addition to their substance, there is much to be learned by the choices of what was published. The Introduction to the issue provides a nice summary (in the original Chinese and an English translation). The table of content with links follows.

 Introduction to this issue
Source: "Qiushi" 2024/08 2024-04-16 09:00:00

This issue publishes an important article by General Secretary Xi Jinping "Strengthening the Protection and Inheritance of Cultural Heritage and Promoting China's Excellent Traditional Culture." The article emphasizes that cultural relics and cultural heritage carry the genes and blood of the Chinese nation and are non-renewable and irreplaceable relics of outstanding Chinese civilization's resources. * * *

This journal distributes an editorial article "Creating New Glory of Chinese Culture in the Continuous Historical Context" that studies the important articles of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

Focusing on the study, publicity and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important articles, this journal published articles by Ni Hong, Li Qun, and the Dunhuang Research Institute, respectively, on how to do a solid job in the new era under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts. Explain the current urban and rural historical and cultural protection and inheritance work, strengthen the protection and utilization of cultural relics and the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage, and continue to protect Dunhuang cultural heritage. Articles by the Party Leadership Group of the Supreme People's Court of the Communist Party of China, studying and implementing Xi Jinping's Thought on the Rule of Law, and explaining how to modernize judicial work to support and serve Chinese modernization. Chen Yixin's article summarizes the historic achievements in national security work in the 10 years since the overall national security concept was put forward, and explains the study and implementation of the overall national security concept. Nobunaga Star's article introduces Jiangsu's learning and implementation of the overall national security concept and ensuring high-quality development with high-level security. An article by the Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council explains the innovative development of a state-owned assets supervision system with Chinese characteristics. Zhang Hongzhi's article elaborates on the contemporary value and historical significance of "the second combination". The article by the China Agricultural University Committee of the Communist Party of China tells the story of the science and technology courtyard's efforts to improve people's livelihood, cultivate knowledge, and educate talents. The National Bureau of Statistics released a statistical chart of economic and social development: China's manufacturing purchasing managers index indicators.
来源:《求是》2024/08 2024-04-16 09:00:00

  本期发表了习近平总书记的重要文章《加强文化遗产保护传承 弘扬中华优秀传统文化》。文章强调,文物和文化遗产承载着中华民族的基因和血脉,是不可再生、不可替代的中华优秀文明资源。* * *




Saturday, April 13, 2024

Keren Wang: "Constitutional Dynamics in China-Taiwan Relations: A Historical and Comparative Analysis" Presentation at Emory International Law Review Symposium, Disputed Territories Across the Globe



I was delighted to have been able to attend Keren Wang's presentation entitled "Constitutional Dynamics in China-Taiwan Relations: A Historical and Comparative Analysis" prepared for the Emory International Law Review 2024 Symposium: Disputed Territories Across the Globe: A Future of Peace or Change?, 13 April 2024 which was held at the Emory University School of Law. 

Dr. Wang provided a refreshingly sophisticated comparative analysis of the constitution of the constitutions of the PRC and Taiwan (originally for the RoC) drawing from the run up to the consultative conference of 1946, and reaching back to its ideological origins from the end of the Qing dynasty and Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary vision. Though that vision eventually fractured in a CPC and a KMT variants, their congruence and differences  provide an important window on Chinese constitutional discourse and its ideological expressions. It was a marvelous presentation.

With Dr Wang's permission I am sharing the presentation PPT which provides a good overview of the remarks, along with a snippet video of the presentation itself. The PPT and link to the snippet follow below. Link to an English language version of the 1946 constitution here. Link to the English language version of the 1949 Common Program of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference here.

 Keren Wang (PhD Penn State) is the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Emerging Choices Fellow at Emory University's Dept. of Russian and East Asian Languages and Cultures.